The Business Case for “Natural Drainage Systems” in Houston Area Development

Houston area developers have traditionally used concrete parking areas, concrete streets, and pre-cast concrete storm sewer systems to convey rain water quickly and efficiently to “end-of-pipe” detention basins.  From there, the collected rainwater is discharged into nearby streams or bayous at a restricted rate to avoid downstream flooding.

Developments are typically disconnected from their nearby streams in favor of locating homes and businesses around the detention basins, which are often designed with permanent pools of water and are viewed as manicured “lakes” by future residents.

There is an alternative, however: natural drainage systems – also known as “low impact development (LID)” or “green stormwater infrastructure (GSI).”

Natural drainage systems simulate natural headwater streams and bayous, more closely mimicking the natural flow of water across the landscape.  They can extend the existing bayou and stream corridors up into the development, serving as natural open-space, creek or bayou style amenities that support adjacent trails and parkland.

The use of natural drainage can replace the use of concrete storm sewers, and because the water runs off the site more slowly, the system requires less detention.  This allows the development site to accommodate a higher number of homes or commercial buildings, reduces drainage system costs, and provides for an open-space amenity, such as parks or trails.

Natural drainage systems are a marketing differentiator for developments.  They capitalize on the market demand for natural and environmentally friendly neighborhoods.  They can serve as a framework for trail systems, which are ranked among the highest in consumer-requested amenities.  They can provide a polished and manicured look along entryways and community front doors, while maintaining a wild and rustic look along paths and leading away from back doors.

Finally, natural drainage systems serve a drainage utility function under the Texas Water Code.  This means that developers can be reimbursed by a special district for the cost of their construction with the proceeds from tax free municipal bond sales.

Let’s look at a few examples.

Audubon Grove, a large-lot, single family residential subdivision in Springwoods Village near the new Exxon-Mobil, campus features 57 lots on about 24 acres.  Designed by Costello, Inc. for Taylor Morrison, the development includes trail systems along natural swales (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 – Trail Network of Audubon Grove

Image: Google Earth.

The concrete roadways do not include curbs so that stormwater runoff can drain directly into the swales.  Front yard swales have been landscaped with cobbles to create a more refined and polished look (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 – Polished Front Door Look in Audubon Grove

IMAGE: M. Bloom

Camellia, is another single-family subdivision that has used natural drainage systems.  Camellia is located in Fort Bend County and includes 323 lots on about 50 acres.  Designed by EHRA for Legend Homes, the development includes roads with cross slopes down to depressed vegetated center medians.

The outside edge of the roads are include traditional curbs while the inside edge is curbless to allow for sheet flow into the swale system.   Figure 3 illustrates the overview and Figure 4 shows the roadway and vegetated median area.

Figure 3 – Camellia Overview

IMAGE: google earth.

Figure 4 – Camellia Vegetated Median


The use of natural drainage systems in Camellia reduced overall project infrastructure costs by $1.6 million, increased lot yield by 99 homes, and reduced the volume of detention required to comply with floodplain regulations. [Ring, J. 2015.  Talking Dollars and Sense: LID Construction Costs. Presented at the ASCE International LID Conference. Houston, Texas. January.]

Lastly, let’s look at Stonebrook Estates in the Champions/Spring area.  Designed by R. G. Miller Engineers, Inc. and Aguirre & Fields for Terra Visions, LLC., the development includes 135 lots on about 51 acres (see Figure 5).

Figure 5 – Overview of Stonebrook Estates Under Construction

IMAGE: terra visions.

About 70% of the development is served by a natural drainage system with landscaped and manicured ditches (called “swales”) and biofiltration, which is basically a high flow rate sand filter for stormwater that removes pollutants. The rest of the development is served by traditional storm sewer.

Roadways are sloped to one side and have curbs but feature “false back inlets” that drain stormwater to vegetated swales instead of expensive underground storm sewer pipes (see Figure 6).

Figure 6 – False Back Inlet in Stonebrook Estates


The use of natural drainage reduced the site detention requirement by 24%, which increased lot yield.

The business case for natural drainage in the Houston area is clear.  Natural drainage:

  • Reduces the volume of detention required to comply with floodplain regulations; Increases lot yield;
  • Reduces the cost of drainage infrastructure.
  • Allows for reimbursement for the cost of drainage facilities;
  • Provides an open space and natural amenity to more of the homes in the development, allowing the developer to charge higher sale prices;
  • Capitalizes on the market demand for environmentally friendly and natural communities; and
  • Differentiates the development from all the rest.

For more information about Houston-area natural drainage projects, check out the Houston-Galveston Area Council’s Designing for Impact: A Regional Guide to Low Impact Development.

Renewing Our Flood Insurance Policy

My family and I are fortunate not to live in a designated floodplain. Designated floodplains are areas along our bayous that have a 1% annual chance of flooding.  This diagram, adapted from the Harris County Flood Control District, illustrates the terminology we use to describe risk levels nicely:

The risks depicted in this graphic are from bayous flowing out of their banks due to large rain events. This does not illustrate the risks associated with large rainfall events exceeding the capacity of drainage systems serving local streets and neighborhoods.

In general, older drainage systems expose residents to higher risks of flooding while new drainage systems expose residents to lower risks of flooding. This is because a number of things have changed and improved over time. Our design standards have improved. Our knowledge of the location and depth of floodplains has improved. Our ability to measure ground surface elevations using laser technology has improved. Engineering practices have improved. That said, even the newest development — designed and built with the best engineering of 2017 — still has some risk of flooding from a large rain event. Current design standards accommodate the 1% annual chance rain event — about 12 inches of rain in 24 hours — anything more than that (or faster than that) may lead to structural flooding.

We have what I call legacy developments in the Houston region that were built before we had a national flood insurance program; before we mapped the 1% annual chance floodplains; and before we required flood mitigation of all new development in the form of detention basins. These are areas that have vibrant, economically productive communities; but they also have a higher risk of flooding than the current standard of practice.

We don’t have many options to address these legacy development areas and none of them are free. We could elevate all structures; buyout businesses and homes; retrofit or add new drainage systems (if the ground and flood elevations allow it); retrofit or add new detention facilities; or widen or deepen channels (again, if the ground and flood elevations allow it).  Our public agencies are taking all of these actions almost all of the time, but the general public is not generally aware of this.

Due to our high rainfall, our flat topography, the age of much of our infrastructure, and the fact that we cannot implement a zero-risk approach to design — folks living in Houston should have flood insurance — whether you live in the floodplain or not.

You can check to see if you are located in the floodplain by typing in your address on this Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) map search page. After the results pop up, just click on “View Map” (the magnifying glass icon) and zoom to your location.  The legend explains all of the shading and codes.

If you are fortunate to not live the floodplain, the premiums are very affordable.  Here’s a photograph of my current premium bill:

It cost much more to insure properties inside the 1% annual chance floodplain because the underwriter is exposed to a higher risk of loss. The underwriter for those policies is the U.S. National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

The premium charged by NFIP does not, however, reflect the true risk of loss, because members of the United States Congress tend to keep the premium costs subsidized so they can be re-elected.  This has led to the NFIP Trust Fund to be periodically strapped for cash, as recently reported in the Houston Chronicle.  Perhaps I’ll post on this topic another day.

Are you in – or out – of the floodplain?  If you are out of the floodplain, how close to the 1% floodplain is your home located?  If you are located outside the floodplain do you purchase insurance?

Tax Day Event of 2016 vs. The “Historic” Flood of December 1935

After Ms. Susan Chadwick of Save Buffalo Bayou stated as “fact” that “engineers caused” the large flooding event which occurred in downtown Houston December 6-8, 1935 I though I would do some research into the rainfall on those days.

This was a tremendously damaging event that killed eight people and caused $2.5 million in property damages (in 1935 dollars).  This was according to a 1937 report submitted by the Secretary of War (transmitting a report by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) to the U.S. House of Representatives Rivers and Harbors Committee.

Here’s a picture of downtown Houston during the flood:

Photograph credit: Harris County Flood Control District.

In the coming weeks I’ll post more thoughts about the claim that engineers “caused” the flooding in December of 1935.  For now I just want to focus on the rainfall.

When I first saw the rainfall totals for the 2016 Tax Day event, I thought they might be similar to the December 1935 event, but of course, being an engineer and a “data geek,” I had to check.

Here is a map of the rainfall totals inside the Buffalo and Whiteoak Bayou watersheds from December 6, 1935 to December 8, 1935:

Peak rainfall over three days was estimated to be 20 inches. The smallest rainfall in the watershed was estimated at around 5 or 6 inches over three days.  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers estimated that the average rainfall in the Buffalo and Whiteoak Bayou watersheds over the three day period was 15 and 12.7 inches respectively.

For comparison, each year Houston has a 1% chance of receiving 12 inches of rain in 24 hours; our average rainfall total is about 48 inches over an entire year; and most normal months we get about 4 inches of rain.

Here a map of the rainfall totals from the 2016 Tax Day event:

The red watershed boundary was copied over from the 1935 map and the watershed map with rain gauge totals was scaled to match.

The peak rainfall over three days was measured to be 17.6 inches at West Little York and Highway 6.  The smallest rainfall in the watershed was measured at 0 inches over Cinco Ranch.

So I’d say these two rain events were pretty similar.  What do you think?

Drafting a New Municipal Stormwater Quality Permit

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) held a stakeholder committee meeting today in Austin to kick-off the process of revising and reissuing their statewide permit for regulated small municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) operators. If you are a true stormwater geek you can watch the entire meeting online at AdminMonitor.

MS4’s are the system of pipes and channels operated by your local city or county to carry rainwater away from homes and businesses and towards natural bayous and creeks.

Under the federal Clean Water Act and the Texas Water Code, certain MS4’s must obtain a permit (basically a permission slip) to discharge pollutants in stormwater runoff from their MS4 to waters of the United States.

The permit requires regulated storm sewer system operators to development and implement programs to:

  • Educate the public on stormwater pollution prevention;
  • Find and eliminate non-stormwater discharges to the storm sewer;
  • Reduce pollution from active construction sites;
  • Reduce pollution from operating new development areas;
  • Reduce pollution from city or county operations;
  • Addressing industrial sites; and,
  • Addressing discharges to impaired waters or waters with a pollution budget.

The current permit was issued in December 2013.  All Clean Water Act permits typically last for five years, so the current one will expire in December of 2018.  Due to the time required to draft the permit, issue formal public notices, take comments, and publish responses to comments — not to mention conduct negotiations with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — it takes a long time to get a new permit issued.  This means the TCEQ needs to start drafting the new permit now!

The anticipated changes discussed at the meeting today breakdown into two main types:

First, the permit will be revised to implement federal digital reporting requirements, which shift paper submittals of compliance reports to a digital format.

Second, the permit language will be tightened up to better define compliance obligations that are clear, specific, and measurable. These changes will reduce or eliminate the use of words like “if practicable,” “as necessary,” “if feasible,” and similar words that can be viewed as making permit provisions optional or subject to permit holder discretion. These changes stem from a new rule known as the Remand Rule, which clarifies how states must alter their permitting process to include substantive public review (TCEQ’s process was already compliant with this) and directs states to write more explicit permit provisions.

If you have comments or questions on this post, please leave a reply below.  If you have comments on how the new TCEQ permit should be drafted, please send them to TCEQ at by April 4, 2017.

About this Site’s Browser Icon

These days most websites are coded to display a little square icon in the browser tab, like this:

Riparian Houston is coded to display a tiny version of this:

But what the heck is that?

The image displays three different hydrographs.  The vertical axis displays the flow rate at a particular location at a particular moment in time. The flow rate is expressed in volume per unit time.  This might be cubic feet per second or gallons per minute.  The horizontal axis displays time in minutes, hours, or days, depending upon how large an area is draining.

When rain falls on any area of ground draining to a single point (the area of ground is called a catchment, a watershed, or a drainage area) the flow rate from the drainage area is initially zero, it increases to a peak rate, and then it declines back down to zero sometime after the rain stops.

The green hydrograph illustrates the typical flow rate variation you might see from an undeveloped area of land. The red hydrograph illustrates the typical flow rate variation you might see from development land with no mitigation. The blue hydrograph illustrates the typical flow rate variation you might see from development with a detention system used to mitigate the increase in runoff.

So the Riparian Houston icon is not just a pretty logo after all.

“Boomtown, Flood Town” Reconsidered

Originally published on February 6, 2017 on TribTalk. Coauthored with Steve Stagner, Executive Director of the American Council of Engineering Companies, Texas.

Flooding is a terrible thing to experience. Floods destroy personal belongings and homes. They create a stinking mess that must be cleaned up. They can kill drivers in below-ground underpasses. They displace families. But modern floodplain management efforts are really much better than you probably think.

In December, the Texas Tribune and ProPublica jointly published “Boomtown, Flood Town,” an article on flooding and development in the Houston region. The engineering community, which is on the front line of stormwater management, development, wetlands, and surface water quality issues in the Houston region, has a somewhat different perspective on these issues.

Since 1989, approximately 23,000 of the 1.5 million houses in Harris County — or 1.5 percent of the homes — have flooded from rainfall (not including coastal surge). In addition, the region experienced fewer than 60 of 9,500 days of high water during the same period — representing 0.6 percent of the time. With the exception of deaths due to basement parking lot flooding during Tropical Storm Allison, all fatalities, while tragic, have resulted from people driving into flooded underpasses and not from structural flooding. The risk from underpass flooding is being addressed with enhanced warning lights, gates and signage. Below-ground parking areas have been retrofitted with flood-proofing facilities, seals, and doors.

Events such as the 2016 Tax Day and Memorial Day Floods are extremely rare. During the Tax Day flood, parts of Harris County received 17.5 inches of rainfall in 24 hours, and parts of Waller County received 23.5 inches of rainfall in less than 15 hours. Compare this to the size of a 100-year event — a 1 percent storm — of 12.4 inches in 24 hours. It’s important to note that a 100-year storm has a 1 percent probability of occurring every year. That means that a home with a finished-floor elevation an inch or two below the 100-year floodplain has a 26 percent chance of being flooded in 30 years — the length of a standard mortgage.

A brief history of flood prevention in Houston

In the early 1900’s, Houston-area drainage districts assumed that a 4-foot-deep ditch with a 4-foot-wide bottom would be sufficient to prevent flooding. Gradually, this standard began to change. In the 1940’s, drainage systems were designed to handle 4 inches of rain in 24 hours. In the 1960’s, drainage systems were designed to handle storm sizes based upon the size of the area being drained. The largest areas were designed to handle about 8 inches of rain over 24 hours — or a storm with a 4 percent chance of happening every year.

In the 1970’s, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) was implemented and engineers began modeling and mapping 100-year floodplains. But Houston-area floodplains were not fully mapped until the mid-1980’s.

In 1986, the region’s engineers began designing drainage with detention systems, and new storm sewers were required to hold and restrict the release of rainwater from a developed property so that the maximum flowrate did not exceed the highest flowrate from the property before the development was built — known as the “peak” pre-development flowrate.

Drainage systems designed after 1986 work amazingly well.  They include below-ground storm sewers sized to carry the rain from two-year events (with a 50 percent chance of happening every year). Roads are designed to convey rain for 1 percent events. (That’s why our streets frequently flood — we’ve chosen to avoid flooding homes and structures by routing water in the streets.) Buildings are further protected by placing their foundation slabs at least 12-inches above the 1 percent event flood elevation.  We protect downstream properties by providing about 180,000 gallons of detention for every acre of new development. Even more detention (and retention) is required in the Overflow Area of the Cypress Creek watershed, which can more easily impact downstream properties.

Our region has also been looking at the effect of climate change on rainfall patterns. In March 2016, Harris County joined a national study by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to recalculate the 1 percent storm size for Texas using rainfall records from a longer period of time. Similar work completed for the southeast and southwest regions of the country showed that rainfall depths over time did not have statistically significant trends up or down — i.e., no climate-change effect was observed on those types of storms.

The question of land preservation

Although undeveloped prairie land can retain some volume of water over a period of days or weeks, it cannot prevent flooding, especially during extreme events. Prairie land can reduce the total volume flowing to our existing reservoirs, but many conservation-minded citizens seem to over-estimate prairie land’s absorption capacity. Undeveloped prairie will not prevent high water levels across the landscape after extreme events. Case in point: the catastrophic flooding of downtown Houston in 1929 and 1935 occurred due to rainfall on the undeveloped prairie.

Preservation of land along bayous can help reduce flood damages for new development in the urban fringe, and this is already happening. In the Cypress Creek Overflow area and in other portions of western Harris County’s urban fringe, floodplain managers, public agencies, engineers, and developers continue to implement “frontier programs” to plan out preservation corridors and to thoughtfully acquire and construct appropriate drainage facilities.

However, land preservation does nothing for existing developments. Removing development is a great idea and can help reduce flood damages, but must be evaluated using a benefit-to-cost ratio. Paying $1 million to buy and remove 10 homes from the floodplain is not as cost-effective as paying $1 million for channel improvements that shrink the floodplain and effectively move 20 homes out of it. Also, there is the unaddressed question of who should pay for these types of programs.

Protection of wetlands in the frontier areas is a good practice to absorb rain and storm-water runoff and to help reduce flood damages; however, the statutory authority to do this currently rests with the federal government. While local governments might choose to enact their own rules regarding wetlands protection, the value of those rules would have to be considered against the added administrative burden of local governments creating programs that overlap with federal statutes.

The impact of flooding in Houston

The uncomfortable fact for most people is that the Houston region is flood prone and engineering and infrastructure solutions will never reduce or prevent extreme rainfall events. Large rainfall amounts, especially those that exceed our storm design, will always occur and will always result in flooding. This is not “man-made flooding.”

In spite of its flood-prone nature, Houston has flourished and people still continue to choose to live here. In 1900, fewer than 100,000 people lived in Harris County. Today more than 4 million do. Houston has grown to be the fourth-largest city in the United States and a key economic engine for Texas. About 200 people move to Houston every day. Houston has prospered and has provided affordable homes, schooling, careers, cultural opportunities, and many other amenities while being located in a flood-prone Gulf Coast area. According to the U. S. Department of Commerce, the Houston region’s gross domestic product has grown from $241 billion to $503 billion during the period from 2001 to 2015.

Hydrologists, floodplain managers, and engineers in the private and public sectors have done a remarkable job in reducing flood damages in our region. We will continue to make progress in this area, while addressing development, changes in rainfall patterns, and population growth in a sustainable manner.